Making tax digital (MTD)

The UK tax system is due an overhaul to streamline and digitalise the administration processes.

Making tax digital (MTD)

The UK tax system is due an overhaul to streamline and digitalise the administration processes.

The transition has already begun: since April 2019 businesses with annual turnover of over £85,000 must submit VAT returns using MTD-compatible software and keep VAT records in a digital format. From April 2022 these MTD requirements will be extended to all VAT-registered businesses.

From April 2023 landlords, sole traders and partnerships will also have to keep tax records digitally and submit quarterly reports of income and expenses using MTD-compatible software.

This may sound daunting but spreadsheets do qualify as digital records. The key is to link your spreadsheet to software that can submit the quarterly returns directly to HMRC’s computer. There are cheap and easy software solutions available but in some cases conversion from paper ledger books and handwritten invoices will take a while. There will be very few exceptions from the requirement to digitalise business records. Micro businesses with less than £10,000 of income will be exempt, as will those for whom disability makes using a computer very difficult. All other businesses and landlords will have to comply.

We have just under three years to prepare so let us work together to prepare for MTD.

Last updated: April 29th 2021.

At B20 Wessex we are Chartered Certified Accountants with years of experience in advising businesses on how to maximise their company tax savings.

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The B20 Wessex Payroll Bureau offers a comprehensive range of services for your business at competitive rates. We offer our customers a comprehensive payroll service, supporting your business at the fraction of the cost of a full time member of staff.

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If you are in business as a sole trader you are personally responsible for your business activities. Talk to us for more information about sole trader responsibilities and advice on becoming a sole trader.

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As a chartered, certified accountant we are well qualified to help you prepare your management accounts on a regular basis, so that you can keep track of your business.

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