Increases in income tax

The tax payable on dividends is set to rise from 7.5% to 8.75% for basic rate taxpayers from 6.4.22. Higher rate taxpayers will pay 33.75% on dividends and additional rate taxpayers must budget for dividend tax of 39.35%. These rates will apply to all dividends taken from all companies where the total dividend income exceeds the dividend allowance which has been held at £2,000 for 2022-23.

Increases in income tax

The tax payable on dividends is set to rise from 7.5% to 8.75% for basic rate taxpayers from 6.4.22. Higher rate taxpayers will pay 33.75% on dividends and additional rate taxpayers must budget for dividend tax of 39.35%. These rates will apply to all dividends taken from all companies where the total dividend income exceeds the dividend allowance which has been held at £2,000 for 2022-23.

This tax increase is significant. A shareholder/director who takes a salary of £12,570 and dividends of £37,700 per year will see their personal tax and NIC bill increase by £442.44 in 2022-23. That is an increase in the amount of tax and NIC paid of nearly 14.5%.

If you borrow from your company and leave the loan outstanding for more than nine months after the accounting year end the company must pay a tax charge of 32.5% of the loan. This tax rate may well also increase in April 2022 to match the dividend tax rise but this is as yet unconfirmed.

At B20 Wessex we are Chartered Certified Accountants with years of experience in advising businesses on how to maximise their company tax savings.

Company Accounts

The B20 Wessex Payroll Bureau offers a comprehensive range of services for your business at competitive rates. We offer our customers a comprehensive payroll service, supporting your business at the fraction of the cost of a full time member of staff.

Payroll Bureau

If you are in business as a sole trader you are personally responsible for your business activities. Talk to us for more information about sole trader responsibilities and advice on becoming a sole trader.

Self Assessment Tax Returns

As a chartered, certified accountant we are well qualified to help you prepare your management accounts on a regular basis, so that you can keep track of your business.

Management Accounts
